"Love is one of the chief characteristics of Deity, and ought to be manifested by those who aspire to be the sons of God. A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race" (Joseph Smith Jr., Dec. 15, 1840; in Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1969], 174).

"All I can offer the world is a good heart and a good hand" (Joseph Smith Jr., July 9, 1843; in Teachings, 313).

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saturday, April 4, 1970

This afternoon Elders Smith, Meyer, Clark, Axtell, Warner, and I were trying to receive by short-wave radio a live broadcast of the opening session of general conference beginning in Salt Lake City. We were unable to pick up anything. That was a bit of a disappointment.

Tonight when we visited Irmão Gilberto we held with him and his wife and also Irmã Missilda a family home evening, planned by us and directed by Gilberto. Dedication to duty and the necessity of church attendance themed the meeting.

Paulo and his family were marked today for baptism, but as I interviewed them last night following their home evening I found them to be quite unprepared still. Paulo still smokes. Some of them still drink coffee. All afternoon yesterday a Jehovah’s Witness was in their home telling them what was wrong with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They survived the attack, however.
This morning we visited Marluce (Miguel was not home), the first visit since Tuesday evening’s incident. She said nothing concerning it, although her attitude was somewhat cool. As we left she said she would see us the next day, adding with emphasis, se Deus quiser.

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