"Love is one of the chief characteristics of Deity, and ought to be manifested by those who aspire to be the sons of God. A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race" (Joseph Smith Jr., Dec. 15, 1840; in Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1969], 174).

"All I can offer the world is a good heart and a good hand" (Joseph Smith Jr., July 9, 1843; in Teachings, 313).

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wednesday, September 9, 1970

Beginning last night we are fasting in behalf of Pedro Maia so he will be successful today in collecting money and therefore able to go to the conference. We will also be fasting tomorrow, eating only this evening’s meal. I really prayed hard for Pedro, and I think Elder Blackham did also.

This afternoon we discussed it and were mutually surprised that we reached this similar conclusion: This was probably the best fasting and prayer experience of our missions. We really pled with the Lord. A miracle of answered prayer happened when Pedro arrived to tell us his verdict. He did not travel but spent the day thinking and tinkering on his kombi. Finally, he decided to pray about it, which is so very out of character for him, to see what the Lord thought about it all. He was told to go to the conference. And so he is.

Tonight was had to inform everybody going with him that they were indeed going. That includes Edmilson, Adolfina, Simone, Vitória, David, Agamemnon, Paulo Filho, and Suely. Going with Aldo besides his family are Nádia and Apolinário and Idelta, making eight in his car. André and Adriano are not going. Maceió will have a representation of 18 at the conference.

Captain George is in town again. Elders Smith and Christensen saw him twice today. He said he is staying on a Greek ship in the harbor. There are no boats in the harbor, nor have there been for a week.

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