"Love is one of the chief characteristics of Deity, and ought to be manifested by those who aspire to be the sons of God. A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race" (Joseph Smith Jr., Dec. 15, 1840; in Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1969], 174).

"All I can offer the world is a good heart and a good hand" (Joseph Smith Jr., July 9, 1843; in Teachings, 313).

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 28, 1969

Each new day I am more overwhelmed at how the gospel touches people's hearts, changes people's lives, broadens horizons and aspirations, and adds happiness and peace and joy to life. No matter what part of the world, in Brazil or Samoa or Germany or California or even Vietnam, the Saints are bound together in a love and a brotherhood and a royal priesthood that know no nationalities or barriers.

Yesterday William said that he was ready for baptism and that he and his wife and the four older children would be baptized Saturday. That made me so grateful. This week we have several members planned to drop by to visit the family, including President Carter for complimentary interviews. We will visit them a few times, each of these daily visits designed to bring the influence of the Holy Ghost into their lives during this important period when Satan will be trying to tempt them.

This afternoon we four elders in Headquarters District (Elders Henderson, Richins, Stewart, and Cleverly) met together with the elders of the Jardim Botânico District (Elders Martinson, Murphy, Bishop, Marsh, Knight, and Thomas) for a joint district meeting and a short festa because Elder Martinson is leaving for home this weekend. The meeting was fantastic, especially as testimonies were being borne by the power of the Spirit. Elders Thomas and Martinson both spoke, and they were great talks.

During the evening we taught a first lesson to a man named Fausto and his good wife, introducing them to the message of the restoration of the gospel. The lesson went very well because they were easy to be entreated by the Spirit, which was there in the lesson with us. They are honest, sincere, frank people, of similar minds, and prepared to accept the gospel. If we do not fail as missionaries in giving them their full opportunity and if they do not knowingly reject the light they are receiving, they will be baptized.

The letter I wrote today to my family:

Here it is almost another new month and, proverbially, time continues pushing onward. At times it is nearly frightening to see life slipping away so quickly and upon us devolves the responsibility to use it wisely and effectively. Life cannot be hoarded or saved away or guarded. To really live we need to give life away to others freely and unselfishly, not counting the gifts we give to brighten other lives, to lessen others' worries, to lighten others' loads. Happiness, the end and design of our existence, is promised to us, is ours if we lose ourselves in the service of others.

No word has reached me yet as to whether or not you received the tape I sent at the end of March. I certainly hope it has arrived by now and you have had the opportunity to listen to it and are planning to return it with your recorded voices soon. This reminds me of another thing: I have no pictures of the family with me here in Brazil and could use them at times. Did you happen to take any pictures when everyone was gathered at Thanksgiving? You might send some sort of something to me.

For nearly a month we have been working with a wonderful family of ten people, teaching them, praying and fasting for them and with them, struggling to help them appreciate the beauty of the gospel message. Yesterday at Sunday School he told us he was ready to be baptized and that he and his wife and the four oldest children (those over eight) would be baptized next Saturday. That certainly made us happy. If only I could share with you what a neat family they are and how the gospel has already literally changed their lives for better!

I am more amazed each new day at how the gospel touches peoples' lives, changes their hearts. In any part of the world—whether Brazil or Samoa or Germany or Idaho or Vietnam—the gospel is working miracles in the lives of the simple and the meek and the humble people of the earth. It is simply marvelous to see the great brotherhood that the priesthood binds together in every land. Love and peace and joy are the fruits of true religion. There is a prophet upon the earth in our day (I sometimes think we do not really appreciate what that means), and he is speaking with God, and the Lord is speaking through him to us as a Church and to the world at large.

At the last general conference of the Church the Prophet again emphasized the home and its importance to all of this. Unfortunately, we only hear about what he said and have not been able to read it, but his life and his teachings have emphasized this theme for years—by word and example. Why? Because we need it so badly? The Lord has commanded us to make our homes a heaven on earth. But He has also commanded us to be perfect like He is, and it is impossible to comply with that important commandment, as possible as it is to be perfect, unless we can live the "little" things. The Lord has told us to have weekly family home evenings and yet the Church response has been discouragingly low, especially is it noticeable in places like here in Brazil. But the families obeying this commandment are reaping richly the rewards and are walking close to perfection.

An assurance of exaltation is possible in this life. We are commanded to make our calling and election sure, to become perfect before the Lord. If you will search the Doctrine and Covenants, you can see that we are expected to see the Lord in this life, in the flesh. That is a fantastic promise and a glorious one. We are here to walk and live by the Spirit, not trust in the arm of flesh.

Except for Jerry and Karen, it has been quite a significant time since I have heard from anybody. Probably the mail systems are just slow. As usually happens, mail may come tomorrow or Wednesday—always coming soon after I write and say I am not receiving anything. Thanks for your support and your faithfulness and interests in my behalf. And so until next month, I say good-bye once again. May the Lord bless you with every needful blessing. My love and prayers remember you. May the elephant of happiness stomp heavily on your toes.

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