"Love is one of the chief characteristics of Deity, and ought to be manifested by those who aspire to be the sons of God. A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race" (Joseph Smith Jr., Dec. 15, 1840; in Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1969], 174).

"All I can offer the world is a good heart and a good hand" (Joseph Smith Jr., July 9, 1843; in Teachings, 313).

Friday, December 18, 2009

Thursday, December 18, 1969

A host of events have slipped by during the passing weeks. In outline only a few are mentioned here. On December 2 I worked with Elder Gary Johnson, Meier zone leader. It was that day while tracting in our area that we encountered a lady who said she would need to ask her confessor before she could know whether or not she had interest in knowing a church restored by Jesus Christ. In asking if she herself could not decide whether she had interest, she answered, "In matters spiritual I never act without consulting my confessor. He is my spiritual advisor."

On December 3 we received from our members a total of eight referrals as a result of our December 1 member fireside. Of these we taught a first lesson to Nair, a friend of Lúcia Barbosa, who at that point (December 10) had read half of the Book of Mormon. Right now she is sick, unable to be taught.

An investigator fireside, over which I presided, was held in the home of Tania Pacheco December 7, the evening of fast Sunday. A filmstrip about the Book of Mormon was shown. Three nonmembers, four members, and six elders were in attendance.

This same Sunday we, the district leaders, began holding a weekly meeting with the branch president, Mario Campanello, to coordinate our work with his activities.

On December 12 Elder Hatch and I joined Elder Ferrin and his new companion at the mission home to dine with President Johnson and his family. We dined by candlelight because the electricity was off. For me it was just like being home. We were honored with the dinner because Ramos was the top district in the mission during October.

Last week I worked with Elder Ronald Axtell on December 10 and Elder Arlo Weeks on December 12 and this week with Elder Neiswender yesterday.

December 13 Elder Hatch baptized Gilberto da Silva, and I confirmed him a member of the Church and bestowed the Holy Ghost. Irmão Gilberto was a member referral from Irmã Missilda, who lives on the next street over from Gilberto. We taught him in a three-week period. He is such a happy man now. His wife should join later.

Early the same morning of the baptismal service, a thief visited us while we were sleeping, taking a watch and pair of pants from each of us. He probably grabbed the pants expecting to find money in the pockets. In that respect he was disappointed. My stolen watch belonged to my dad, and I felt bad about that. The pants, except for the belt, were no great loss. The door opening onto the street was open when we awoke. Even though it is against my nature to do so, we now lock up even while we are in the room.

Last Sunday, in the morning meeting, a weird lady was present who kept disrupting the proceedings. She was not a member and obviously mentally ill. She refused to leave and, rather than creating a scene, was not bodily hauled out of the chapel. After a while everybody ignored her for the most part. She remained on the stand during the entire opening exercises.

Today, the last official mission fast on the third Thursday of the month, is my birthday. One year ago today I arrived in Brazil. In every sense of the word, it has been a good year, a fast year, a rewarding year. Unfortunately, the coming year will slip away even more quickly. We started the fast with a special district meeting. From now on there will be no mission-wide fasts other than on fast Sunday.

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