"Love is one of the chief characteristics of Deity, and ought to be manifested by those who aspire to be the sons of God. A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race" (Joseph Smith Jr., Dec. 15, 1840; in Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1969], 174).

"All I can offer the world is a good heart and a good hand" (Joseph Smith Jr., July 9, 1843; in Teachings, 313).

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday, August 10, 1969

Yesterday a welcome letter from a wonderful friend, Mark Smith, announced that he would be entering the mission home in September. His call is to the French Mission. Earlier in the week a letter from Jeff Boswell arrived. It was one of love and faith, as might be expected from a young man as he.

Last night we held a long conversation with Victor Ferreira and his wife Helena. They were not ready for baptism, and it appeared that progress had stopped. But they did promise to come to Sunday School this morning. And they did. We marked to drop by and visit again early this afternoon. I had not the slightest idea of what we should do, of how we ought to profitably continue. Elder Stewart indicated a similar lack of direction or inspiration. After some brain racking, we knelt in prayer and pleaded for aid. Shortly thereafter we determined a plan, largely voiced by Elder Stewart, and went to put it into operation.

Upon arriving at Victor’s home, we spoke briefly then fervently bore our testimonies once more to him. We asked him to kneel and ask God whether or not he should be baptized next Saturday. He knelt, prayed, said a lot of words, but finally asked. At that moment it was clear that the Holy Ghost was present. We had promised to abide by the answer he received.

"Can we begin making preparations for the baptismal service Saturday?" Elder Stewart asked as we arose from our knees.

"Yes," he replied.

Right then and there we presented the sixth and final lesson. Helena had a headache and did not attend. Certainly we were feeling particularly animated with Victor's decision. His son Mário expressed a desire to be baptized also. He is 12 years old. This evening we combined with various members in the area to visit with Victor throughout the coming week.

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